Atharva veda
Atharva veda

In Saving Humanity: Swami Vivekanand Perspective, book 20 hymn 58 and verse 2, p.112.Asterisk in bharopiyasthan: Minor writings on the Aryan invasion debate. Atharva Veda 19:72:1, quoted in Elst, Koenraad (2007).After having been recited, the Veda is put back in a chest.From Atharva Veda chapter 13, verses 16 to 18, and 20-21 quoted in "Hindu Dharma-A Teaching Guide" p.44.He is called neither the fifth, nor the sixth, nor yet the seventh he is called neither the eighth nor the ninth nor yet the tenth. The Supreme Being is called neither the second, nor the third, nor yet the fourth.quoted in Decolonizing the Hindu Mind (2001) by Koenraad Elst From Atharva Veda quoted in "Hindu Dharma-A Teaching Guide", in p.182.Peace in the Herbs, the Vegetation and the Forests, Peace in the pace and on the Earth Peace in the Waters, Shanti Mantra from Atharva Veda quoted in "Hindu Dharma-A Teaching Guide", in p.367.Earth is my mother her son am I Īnd Heaven my father :may he fill us with plenty. Amidst what is thy center and thy navel,Īnd visualizing forces that emanate from the body Kesh Kapur, quoting from Atharva Veda in "Hindu Dharma-A Teaching Guide", p.365.May the waters from the wells dug by humans be good to them, and may the healing powers of water be available to all human beings. May the waters of Oasis in the desert be sweet to you and so be the waters of ponds and lakes. May the waters from the snowy mountains bring health and peace to all people? May the spring waters calmness to you may the swift currents be pleasing to you and may the rains be a source of tranquility to all.Kesh Kapur, quoting from Atharva Veda in Hindu Dharma-A Teaching Guide, p.365.Quoted in "A History of Water: The world of water, Volume 3from Atharva Veda" by Gandhi 1990, p.In the heart of the waters, O, King Varuna, your golden home is built Varuna is considered to be a deity associated with water.In A History of Water: The world of water, Volume 3, from the Atarva Veda II, 23.1, p.390.Water of river, well, pond, etc., if used and managed efficiently will reduce the intensity of drought and water scarcity.From Atharva veda, 4/22, quoted in “The sacred scriptures of India, Volume 2”, p.41.Destroy all those who are lustful, angry, greedy, enticed, proud and jealous.From Atharva Veda quoted in The sacred scriptures of India, Volume 2, p.58.A person should refrain from all those things that take him towards, fallacy, misery and degradation. The person who mistreats a noble woman does bad towards a friend, he who is senior but is ignorant is known as a degraded person.Quoted in "God of Desire: Tales of Kamadeva in Sanskrit Story Literature", p.110.In Atharva Veda, kama is associated with the broad range of human desire wanting enemies to be defeated wanting lovers to reciprocate feelings of infatuation, lust, affection, wanting more money and more power in short wanting to be successful in love and work.Vrata mantra ritual from the Atharva Veda, in God of Desire: Tales of Kamadeva in Sanskrit Story Literature, p.97.With desire, I accept you this is for you, for desire. Who gave to whom?Desire gave to desire.ĭesire is the giver and receiver Desire entered the ocean.Atharva Veda quoted by Urmila Sharma, in "Indian Political Thought:Swaraj", P.139.O, men, let the man among you alone be made a king the President of the Assembly – who is a powerful conqueror of foes, is never beaten by them, has the capacity to become the paramount sovereign, is most enlightened, is worthy of being made a President, who possess noble qualities, accomplishments, character and disposition, who is thoroughly worthy of the homage, trust and respect of all.Atharva Veda quoted by Urmila Sharma, in Indian Political Thought:Swaraj,p.139.A King should address the Assembly thus: Let the leader of the Assembly abide by the just laws passed by the Assembly, let other members do the same.Griffith, in The Hymns of the Atharvaveda There are prayers to protect crops from lightning and drought, charms against venomous serpents, love spells, healing spells, hundreds of verses, some derived from the Rig Veda, all very ancient. The Atharva Veda is a Vedic-era collection of spells, prayers, charms, and hymns.Vyasa on Atharva Veda quoted in [ Seer of the Fifth Veda: Kr̥ṣṇa Dvaipāyana Vyāsa in the Mahābhārata (Google eBook), p.5.Atharva Veda, in A Garden of Deeds: Ramacharitmanas, a Message of Human Ethics, p.56.

Atharva veda